Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mystery Objects

The ephemerality of the Tweet-o-sphere being what it is, I've reproduced all my #MysteryObjectMonday entries right here.  In no particular order:

A glass ovoid filled with a translucent oil through which light echoes, holding an image a second longer than it should.

A shallow bowl woven from copper wire and delicate, ribbon-like metal shavings, cradling three pale eggs.

Three .44 cartridges, but in place of both primer and propellant, the rounds have been packed with asafoetida powder.

An anatomically and morphologically perfect model of an Ordovician crinoid, made entirely from sugar and fondant.

A box of 64 "mood crayons", all beige.  When you pick them up, your mood determines the color made by the crayon.

A world war I era gas mask with filters marked "MA - guaranteed safe against fresh air"

A box of store-brand cookies, dark brown to tan. Label says "Cyprus, Teak, Oak, Pine, Elm, and Bamboo Flavor"

A child's mitten, pink with a blue bird sewn on the back, with two thumbs, one on either side.

A fortune cookie, dry, dusty, slightly vanilla flavored.  The fortune is a telephone number with a local area code

A comprehensive map of the Paris Underground, with multiple marked points labelled "Pelucidar" scattered throughout

Compass that has, in addition to traditional N and S, thirty-six other subdivisions, including "Sub-East", Woest, Est"

An industrial cow milking apparatus, apparently brand new, with the pumping directions reversed

1950's "Dutchboy" brand potato chips-in-a-can, described on the label as "delicious room-temperature semiconductors"

A clockwork fish, delicately scaled with gold and silver and having glittering sapphire eyes.

A bright orange shelf fungus on an oak stump, grown completely around a human finger bone with a class ring on it.

A metallic egg-shaped object the size of a fist. The thing floats an inch off the ground, and is complete immovable.

A ball gag with "Center for Skeptical Inquiry" and a call for donations printed on it.

A 2012 ed textbook "Tectonics and Structural Geology of Fold-and-Thrust Belts" written in same language as Voynich Ms

H.R. Giger inspired Chicken Coop

Silver pen with 3 refills full of deep red fluid. Each labelled differently: St. Jerome; St. Barbara; St. Alban

Home Mummification Kit, by Wham-O (tm)

Vintage "Mr. Potato Head" toy with nothing but eyes.

Professionally printed map on high quality paper explaining astrological significance of the layout of Dealey Plaza

HO-scale toy soldiers with rifles and roman curaiss, labelled as "Imperial Albertan Fusiliers, 1898"

A fresh juicy peach, warm from the sun. Inside, the pit has been completely pyritized.

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